Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Authors Celebration

Parenting is such an amazing and humbling experience. I literally could not have imagined it would be possible to feel so much pride and joy for another person.  Today was Frances's author celebration where the kids are able to share the progression of their story and poetry writing over the year. The progress that Frances has made is INCREDIBLE and most importantly the JOY and love of learning that she possesses is truly magical. I am so proud of her. So proud that I cried...to which she said "Oh dear mom, are you doing that crying thing again because you love me so much." Yup. Equally cool was that Henry got to come and celebrate her too. I think he was beaming just as much as me.  She also got to show us the tile that her and the rest of the kinders made for a really cool house of tiles for the playground. So awesome. 

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