Tuesday, May 14, 2019


The day of the game Frances wanted to get there early....very early....before the gates even opened.
We had a great time in the big stadium. We both were a little homesick for our Providence Park and the cozy feeling, loud fans, and the energy of the stadium....but it was incredible to see all of her idols in once place. After we toured Santa Clara...which was funny for many reasons...and flew home with big smiles on our face.


About seven months go I saw that the USWNT were playing in Santa Clara. I had this flash of an idea that this would be Frances's DREAM...... my sister in law lives in San Francisco and I adore her.....so I wrote to see if she was in town (yes!) and booked the tickets and decided this would be France's early bday present.


I didn't tell her until five minutes before and we left in a car with bags packed.

Katie was a WONDERFUL tour guide for our day in the city. We biked all over town, over the golden gate bridge and to Saulsilito, had lunch, took the ferry back and then went to a great sushi dinner with Katie and Dwayne.


Cake and Presents

After France's game we had a post/post party for Maggie. She got to open her AMAZING present from her godmother Annemarie and eat the highly colored cake she got to pick out. Pretty perfect way to end a great day.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

State. Cup. Champs!!!

Frances's team won the Oregon State Cup for the 2nd year in a row. SO EXCITING. This year, because they won, they now go on to Regionals in Norco, CA. Wowzers. I was so proud of them. They gave up a quick goal in the beginning - the first of their state cup- and they didn't let it rattle them. They ended up winning 5:1 and Frances had two goals. So proud of her work ethnic the love for her team. One of my favorite parts was when they are doing the pictures, Coach Mike called out to Maggie to come out, given she cheers at half time. SO cute.

Maggie's First Communion

Maggie had her first communion today...and a glorious sunny day. She radiated joy and was so earnest about the whole experience. Frances had to wear her soccer jersey to the mass...and she may have put holy water on her cleats....