Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lyon Day #2

Thankfully I was awake before the others so I got to do my favorite thing in a new town....RUN! So gorgeous along the river. Bliss. I even saw a farmers market -- also a favorite. Then we went to Lyon's super cool museum - we loved it. Then, it was HOT. Dad took a nap, the older kids wanted to go back to World Cup Village...and Maggie wanted to sleep.
SO....we took the older kids to World Cup village and took Maggie to  a restaurant...with shade...and she long, Mark and I had to take turns. She may have drooled on the table cloth. The World Cup village had super cool posters of all the ways different countries were fighting for equality. I loved it. We ended the night going up to Croux Lyon, walking down, having a comical adventure of three restaurants...and ending the night with a fantastic lightening display. Lyon - you amaze.
 We HAD to each lunch at Burgers De Papa..... considering we are with Papa....

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