Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

There are few things better as a parent than Christmas morning. Francie awoke first and we told her she had to hang in our bedroom until Henry woke up. She kept asking, with trepidation/excitement if Santa was here. I realized she thought when we said Santa was coming...was that he was coming...and staying. She was relieved when I told her dropped of the presents. She then said "oh yeah....Santa loves me". Classic.

The best part of Christmas am was that the kids actually stopped and played with the toys in-between, rather than just open and move on to the next one.

On the down side, poor Mark got a horrible stomach bug and missed most of the day and dinner with my parents, grandma, and Mark's dad. Later that night, I got the bug and was up all night. Ho ho ho.

That said, we were very grateful for the blessings and family we have in our life during this magical holiday.

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