Saturday, April 18, 2020

Walks in Quarantine

As I write this, over a half of million people have been infected and are SO sick from COVID-19 and over 35,000 families have endured the heart ache and sadness of suddenly losing someone like I did my brother. My sister - an OBGYN in NYC - has not seen her family in six weeks.

So it feels heartless and somewhat insensitive to talk about the grace of the period.

Life is complex and brutiful - beautiful and brutal.

For us, we have been SO fortunate and with that sheer luck, we have tried to accept the honor of the gift of time together and the gift of Spring in the place we love so dearly and that we call home.

I have so appreciated and valued eating dinner together every night.

I have LOVED the walks in this lovely and amazing town I call home. I treasure more each flower, each sunset and each glimmer of hope.

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