Saturday, January 27, 2018

BRING IT.......Cheerleading that Is

Maggie is wonderful and perfectly fitting third child in that she throws us constantly, and her joy and exuberance while doing it makes even more interesting...and frankly fun.

After fun experience with high school cheerleading, she begged to do did more.  We found a class and some friends...and I thought we were done. And then...the coach told us about the cheer competition. What ?!?!?!?!!?!? 

Needless to say, it has opened my eyes to the teamwork and athleticism required to do a set of cheer routines....and to the world of cheerleading. Wow. Wow. Wow.

Grammy Kris was in town for the competition and Frances was the diligent and earnest cheer sister on the planet.

Our team, in my opinion, brought the most cheer...meaning they actually were cheerful and having fun.

And then.................

The won.

No. Joke.

So, we have another competition in two weeks...

A whole new world.....

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