Saturday, September 14, 2019

LHS Soccer

Henry's school is BIG. Very big. And in soccer city, lots of kids like soccer.

There were 50 freshmen who tried out.

He did so with grace, grit and dedication.

He was fortunate enough to make JV -- one of only two freshmen. It has been a culture and challenge shock for us all.......him with the size and speed of the players...and me with the fact his teammates...who are juniors....can drive him to the game. WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?

My favorite thing is that there are four players on the team that primarily speak Spanish. Love. It.

We are adjusting to week time games and that start at 4 in far away places...definitely did not know that I should have blocked my calendar. Oops.

He did score his first high school goal the 2nd game. So proud of him. And so sad I was at a work meeting. boo.

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