Friday, March 15, 2019

Grit Golf Tournament

Henry was in a golf tournament for Presidents Day. He got placed with the top two players in the  state that only do golf. He held his own and then had a rough few holes. He got down...which is when I arrived and my heart ache was palpable in my chest. But we had a pep talk, and I have to say, it is one of the proudest I have ever been of him and the life skill he is developing that will be his key to success as a human. He felt his emotion, he let himself be devastated....and he moved on. He put one foot in front of the other and he focused on each stroke, each hole, each breath. I was also SO PROUD of how his sisters cheered for him. We may have been a scene on the course....but we were us... a family that unabashedly loves each other 100%. 

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