Sunday, March 18, 2012


Miss Magalicious is 9 months old! As seems to be the trend, she is ringing in her 9 month birthday with a doozy of a head cold. Poor child.  Maggie is VERY, very verbal. We swear she is saying Dada and "hey there" all in one word. She is a cruising maniac and wants to stand at nearly all times. She is doing a VERY funky version of a crawl...but all with the goal of getting to stand.  She has hit the peak of stranger danger.....she will play with others and hang out...just don't touch her or don't try and pick her up. The girl has boundaries. She adores and it is protective of her siblings. When Frances got hurt at the game, Maggie became inconsolable as she was so worried seeing her sister cry. She also LOVES the cousins and is going to enjoy being the youngest of nine -- you can tell she will just soak up all the extra love and attention.  She continues to brighten our lives with each day. Sometimes I think the word sparkle was invented for the eyes like Maggie's.  

Frances at 9 months:

Henry at 9 Months

1 comment:

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