Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Parade

We stayed at my parent's apartment, which is on 82nd and Amsterdam. Little did we know the providence of this spot during Thanksgiving as the balloons for the Thanksgiving Day Parade are blown up literally one block away. In the early afternoon, we walked by and they were laying them out and then we when we came back from the MET, they were blown up. The kids were in AWE. Such a magical experience. Spiderman and Buzz definitely got top honors. The next day, when we saw the parade, we just went down the block to where they were setting up and got to see the floats with no crowds. My favorite -- the one with Joan Rivers. Not gonna lie -- I got really excited...not sure why....I couldn't tell if she was excited, sad, frozen....that is one static face!

1 comment:

The Wells Family Antics said...

Spiderman and Buzz were our favorites as well! So sad we didn't get to see you. You were so close I could cry!