Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hood River Dancing

Jenny and the kids are here and out in Hood River, so we decided to drive out and spend the day with them. We had such a great time. We went to lunch, walked around Hood River, went swimming in the pool, crossed the river for dinner and then ended the night at a concert of a band that Jenny and I remember my mom rockin out to when we were kids.....SURREAL. Francie LOVES to dance and has developed this "Flashdance" impersonation that I have yet to capture on camera but promise to try and get video this weekend as it is HILARIOUS. I did manage to get some video of the Henry and Francie dancing. As you will see, the concept if being gentle is a bit lost on Henry....and Francie for that matter. On the way home Henry said "Mom, I really loved our day". Nothing better.

Tomorrow Katie, Brian and the kids come so all eight grandchildren will be together. BRING IT.

1 comment:

Grammy Kris said...

It looks Mark taught Henry all his moves.