Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of School!

A couple of weeks ago (was it really that long?) Henry had his first day of school. Mark and I both went to drop him off. The day before he got to go on an "adventure" to pick out his shirt for the first day. Believe it or not - thanks to my sisterclothes - he has never been clothes shopping. He picked out a green shirt (his favorite color) with stripes (like a race car). The first day went great...minus Mark having a VERY difficult time leaving (his cheeks turned bright red and he got a visible lump in his throat). I skipped off ready to get everything done in the 3 hours I had because we were moving the next day. Yeah....not so much....after 45 minutes I was called and asked to come back because Henry had fallen and was having a hard time pulling it together. Shucks. I am happy to report though that after a few rough starts (including a couple of days of me getting in the car and crying) all is well. Henry loves school. I love his school and the time alone with Francie and we couldn't be happier. Yahoo!

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