Friday, June 20, 2008

Busy Friday

We were all out and about on Friday. We met up with Janis at Westlake Park. Henry was very excited to to see Janis who he has missed for the last couple weeks. He was even more excited about the cool sticker books that Janis gave him.

Henry is sometimes very camera shy and refuses to be photographed. I know its hard to believe. So most of the pictures turned out really well except for Henry who refused to look at the camera. I finally snuck a quick picture of Henry sort of smiling.

After our an afternoon nap Brookie arrived from Seattle. She is staying with us this weekend and getting to know little Francie. Henry and Brooke had a silly face contest. Not sure who won.

Then we were off to Jamison Square downtown to play in the fountain with friends Ann and Audrey. Henry was pretty wary of the water but after a while he loosened up and ended up going home drenched from head to toe. That was after an ice cream cone. Francie mostly slept.


Brooke said...

Henry's funny face is definitely cuter than Auntie Brookie's funny face. I had so much fun visiting, can't wait to come again.

Mark said...

You gave a very good effort though... don't get down on yourself.