Thursday, June 29, 2017

Yoga Mamas

In November I cashed in a month of free yoga that I had bought at a school auction in an effort to try and force myself to do something different from running. I slightly dreaded it. And then I went...and got hooked. I love the yoga studio I go to, I love the instructors, and I love that most of the people are young people who live in the pearl and who do NOT live the life I live with three kids (which I love, but it is good to diversify the people you are around). It is nice to be in a different element. My dear friend Lesley has started going with me every Sat am that we can go to the class and teacher we adore. This Sat they had an event of rooftop yoga, followed by beer.... HELLO! So, even thought it was 100 degrees, we went. It was SO MUCH fun and then I got two hours to just drink beer and talk with Lesley. We also were likely the only mamas in our 40s there....which felt even more rock star to me then I thought it would.....Who knew this would be a chapter in my life?

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