Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bring on the new school year!

2nd grade....bring it.  2nd year of preschool.....gonna rock it.  

The new school year has started.

We had a quirky start to the year.....and unfortunately since Henry is seven...he will remember it, and I have a feeling it will be a favorite story that he will bring up ...often.

On Monday night I ironed Henry's clothes, got up early to make him special breakfast, had a whiteboard set up for him to write his name, teacher and what he wants to be when he grows up (to do annually), took pictures of him and then cried when he and Frances hugged for a long time as he left for his first day of school.....only to get to the school and realize that his first day is Weds......he laughed the entire way home at the "silliness" of his mom.....

His real first day went without a hitch. I ironed a second outfit....Had him fill out the whiteboard again....this time he clarified he still wanted to be a football player, but wants to be the wide receiver or the quarterback.

Frances first day also went wonderfully. She woke up early and insisted on a "handsome outfit like Henry". She declared that she wants to be a coach when she grows up...her brother's coach....and a rock star. Normal combo.

Fake First Day:
REAL First Day:



1 comment:

Brandi Lynn said...

Oh man, that is too funny(: kinda makes me want to start having kids! LOl.