Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas Eve

We stuck with our tradition of going to the Christmas Eve - Family mass at Cathedral.The day before my mom had given the kids their presents, so they were busy putting together the Lego set (all 874 pieces) and building mountains. Henry also decided to use Sharpie on face to help "spice up" his pretend football game -- really fun to clean up before mass. 

As always, mass was ADORABLE with the kids from the Cathedral school acting out the story of Christmas. The baby Jesus was so cute....and then what was even cuter is how everyone we sat next to told us that Maggie should have been baby Jesus as she was "so cute, you could eat her". Hilarious. 

Given my parents were in AK, Gordon was in the hospital, and my grandma had sent me a card in the mail to let me know that she wasn't coming to Christmas Eve dinner (nice direct mode of conversation)-- we decided to go out. Yummy. We ended the night with having Brookie and her family over for Christmas Eve dessert. Frances had the whole crowd laughing pretty hard with her P90X impressions and her bad ass jumping jacks. She also got Aaron - Brookie's brother - to wear the Elf hat....Santa's little helper.

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