Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Smile

Henry had to have his front tooth pulled. When he was 15 months he fell and his tooth went back up his baby tooth canal. Turns out at the time, it probably introduced bacteria into his mouth and he had an abscess.

So....we had to go and have it pulled. Wowzers. They gave him Versed (spelling?), which is a drug that makes them "not care and not remember". Oh nelly. They gave it to him and then had him sit with me in the lobby until it kicked it. Let me just tell freaked me out. He was so out of it, laughing and singing. I realize I should feel lucky that he is a "happy drunk", but it totally freaked me out. When they took him back, I sat in the the lobby and cried.

Overall, it went great and my little hockey player likes his new smile (mind you, he won 't have a tooth in front until he gets his adult in grade school!) He has his tooth and doesn't want the tooth fairy to come as he likes his "new little buddy".

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